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Roxar Retrievable Weight Loss Coupons and Holders

Product Description

Roxar Retrievable WLC Holders and Coupons are installed in high pressure 2#8221; hydraulic or mechanical access fittings. Coupons are pre-weighed prior to installation in the flow and - after an exposure period - cleaned and weighed again. From measured weight loss, accurate corrosion rates are calculated and deposits, bacteria and corrosion data collected, effectively combatting the dangers of corrosion.

Pressure Rating
Standard: 6,000 psi (420 bar) Optional: 10,000 psi (690 bar)
Max Temperature
204 °C/400°F
Coupon Material
Standard: St 52 and AISI1018 as standard options
Coupon Holder Material
Standard: Stainless Steel (316L) and Duplex as standard options


  • Simple method, no investments in field instruments required
  • Simple technology, easy to understand
  • Additonal information about corrosion type, deposits and bacteria is available, please contact us for more information.
  • Common back-up method for online corrosion monitoring
  • A wide range of coupon designs and shapes are available
  • Coupons can be used to quantify pitting rate (localized corrosion)

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