Superior Wetgas Metering Performance


随着行业的发展以及面临新的挑战,艾默生不断开发和改进测量解决方案。 为了满足当前和未来的行业需求,艾默生提供了新一代Roxar海底湿气测量计解决方案,在全球重要地区的湿气田具有15年出色的表现。

单击以继续读取 湿气计量性能出色且丝毫不受影响




  • 水合物形成的风险提高,因此需要增加单乙二醇(MEG)注射剂量 
  • 储层中的水锥会影响油气生产
  • 水流量和注入式化学品取代油气生产
  • 管道结垢
  • 管道腐蚀和侵蚀

The critical time window of a hydrate plug forming

There are field examples where the period from formation of water breakthrough, to hydrate growth and build-up and pipeline plugging is less than 20 minutes. Therefore, rapid, highly sensitive measurements are needed to capture the critical time window of a hydrate plug forming in order to take remedial actions to save the well. The Roxar Subsea Wetgas Meter has the ability to instantaneously measure extremely small changes in water volume fraction, as little as ± 0.00002 % (0.2 ppm).



Measurements on a well-by-well basis for production optimization

Case study offshore Egypt: Installation of  Roxar Subsea Wetgas Meters has helped the operator to monitor water production profiles in real-time. By providing early warnings of the water produced, meters installed on the field have helped the operator and its partners save several wells from water breakthrough. It has also provided the operator with the necessary information to optimize the performance of its wells, leading to increased availability.

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