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Flexim-FLUXUS G721 ST-LT Non-Intrusive Steam Flow Measurement

Flexim FLUXUS G721 ST-LT Non-Intrusive Steam Flow Measurement

Product Description

The Flexim FLUXUS G721 ST-LT is a non-intrusive, high-performing ultrasonic clamp-on flow meter capable of measuring steam up to 356°F. With up to two measuring channels optimum recording is possible even with difficult flow condition. An optional stainless-steel housing and FM Class I Div. 2 certification allows usage in extreme conditions, and the flexible configuration options for signal inputs and outputs cover all manner of applications. For users, this means important advantages when considering the total cost of operating a measuring point. The transit time difference principle already works at 0.03 ft/s and does not need any reduction to the diameter of the pipe to artificially increase the flow velocity.