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Services de gestion du cycle de vie DeltaV - Logiciel SIEM pour systèmes DeltaV™

Product Description

Les services informatiques des entreprises demandent régulièrement une évaluation plus approfondie de la cybersécurité des systèmes de contrôle-commande. Le logiciel SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) d’Emerson offre aux services informatiques un accès aux événements de sécurité dans la couche du système de contrôle-commande, en assurant une surveillance continue pour fournir, stocker et corréler les événements consignés dans les journaux et, plus généralement, améliorer la sécurité de votre site.

Informations sur les services

Every DeltaV system includes Microsoft Windows™-based endpoints and network devices that log events as users interact with the system. Without a continuous monitoring solution, important security events are left undetected. Take a stronger defensive approach and further harden your defense-in-depth strategy with Security Information and Event Management (SIEM).

Integrate security operations for advanced threat detection: Emerson’s SIEM solution can seamlessly integrate with DeltaV endpoints and other IT operations, such as a centralized Security Operations Center (SOC), to deliver meaningful security visibility. SIEM also correlates threat events from Endpoint Security and Application Whitelisting for DeltaV Systems to detect advanced threats throughout your DeltaV System.

Enable proactive response with real-time alerts: Data is collected and analyzed in real-time to provide prioritized alerts, enabling you to discover and proactively thwart potential threats. SIEM also provides actionable intelligence, which enables you to more effectively identify, understand, and respond to cyber threats.

Long-term storage supports compliance: Events and information are stored in the historical database, allowing you to analyze patterns and perform anomaly detection once your baseline is established. Automated reporting with easy-to-use queries also help enable compliance and auditing.
