temp-H003 DeltaVSIS-Integration

DeltaV SIS - Integration

Choose an integrated but separate safety system without tradeoffs.

Comply with Standards for Separation and Independence

As integrated control and safety systems (ICSS), DeltaV™ and DeltaV SIS™ provide integrated engineering, maintenance, and operations environment. The integrated-but-separate architecture delivers total integration and total separation without the difficulties of the two extremes.

The systems maintain the separation required by IEC 61508 and IEC 61511 standards.

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temp-C011 DeltaVSIS-Integration

How It Works

Zero Data Mapping

No data mapping and cumbersome communication interfaces needed. Integrated-yet-separate architecture enables robust integration between the DCS and SIS, while keeping separation within the layer of protection.

Systems have the same engineering and operation workstation, look-and-feel tools. The system has a totally independent security engine, and allows the creation of independent privileges for both DCS and SIS. Only qualified personnel will have access to the SIS.

Architecturally Independent

The DeltaV SIS™ power supplies, communication channels, hardware, and real-time operating systems are physically separate and independent of the basic process control system (BPCS). This maintains the separation required by IEC 61508 and IEC 61511 standards. DeltaV SIS automatically monitors, controls and collects safety-related data.

Increase Safety Visibility

The operator interface provides a powerful environment for safety operation, with built-in features for easy information access. To more effectively operate your plant, operators have one common operating environment for both the basic process control system (BPCS) and SIS when using the DeltaV control system.

Increase Efficiency

The engineering software allows you to manage all aspects of DeltaV system and/or DeltaV SIS configuration, including hardware configuration, control strategies, built-in change management and history. The DeltaV SIS maintains proper security on safety logic software and makes managing required safety logic modifications easier.


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