Temperature Monitoring in Railcars

Temperature Monitoring in Railcars

Avoid Safety Risks While Monitoring Temperatures of Railcars

Chemical plants typically utilize railcars to transport chemicals. Monitoring the internal temperature of the railcars is crucial to maintain a safe environment because many of the chemicals are highly reactive and flammable. Leftover contaminants from railcar cleaning or other unintentional means can lead to an uncontrolled exothermic reaction with potentially catastrophic results. Historically, these measurements have been taken manually by site personnel climbing into the railcars. Monitoring the railcar internal temperature with a Rosemount™ 648 Wireless Temperature Transmitter can alert the facility of a dangerous situation and allow for neutralization to take place prior to an explosion or fire. The use of this wireless transmitter also removes the need for manual rounds, thus eliminating the need to put site personnel in harms way.

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