Maschinenzustandsmanagement in der Kraftwerksindustrie

Maschinenzustandsmanagement in der Kraftwerksindustrie

Integration von Überwachungstechnologien zur Verringerung von Ausfällen und Leistungsabfällen, für höhere Anlagenverfügbarkeit und -zuverlässigkeit.

Erfüllen Sie Anforderungen in einem sich verändernden Umfeld

Ihre Stromerzeugungsanlagen wurden so konzipiert, dass sie einheitliche Lastprofile liefern und übliche Nachfragespitzen bewältigen. Die gestiegene Nachfrage nach erneuerbarer Energie und die Verfügbarkeit von preiswertem Erdgas erfordern jedoch zwingend eine Anpassung Ihrer Arbeitsweise.

Eine konstante Netzversorgung bedeutet einen Ausbau der Versorgungsnetze, was zu erhöhter Belastung einzelner Anlagen und ungeplanten Stillständen führen kann. Für Ihre Ausrüstung, Ihr Budget und Ihr Anlagenpersonal wird die bedarfsgerechte Energiebereitstellung zunehmend zur Herausforderung. Indem Sie potenzielle Anlagenausfälle bereits im Vorfeld erkennen, planen Sie Ihre Wartungsaktivitäten rechtzeitig, was Ihren Anlagenbetrieb sicherer macht und das Risiko folgenschwerer Ereignisse minimiert.

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Erfüllen Sie Anforderungen in einem sich verändernden Umfeld

Fallstudien aus der Kraftwerksindustrie

Wireless Vibration Monitoring | Power Co.

"We are always striving to reduce downtime and to move away from time-based activities and toward condition-based maintenance" 

- Senior Manager, Monitoring and Diagnostics 

Explore why a U.S. power utility company is deploying a network of approximately 5,000 units of Emerson’s AMS Wireless Vibration Monitor in all its fossil sites by the end of 2022.

Wireless PeakVue | Balance-of-Plant

Discover how a North American Power customer harnessed PeakVue technology, AMS Wireless Vibration Monitors, AMS Machine Works, and more to: 

  • Trim labor cost associated with collecting of vibration data.
  • Attain more frequent vibration data for improved monitoring of conditions or rapidly emerging issues. 
  • Reduce risk of incurring costly contract penalties due to plant derating or shutdowns.

Green Hydrogen Power Generation

Explore how Mitsubishi Power Americas is leveraging Emerson automation systems and software, including AMS Device Manager, to increase safety, trim costs, improve sustainability and evolve maintenance at the world’s largest green hydrogen production and storage facility.

AMS 6500 for Turbine Protection

Xcel Energy, headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, is a major U.S. electric and natural gas utility providing energy to more than 3.3 million electric customers and 1.8 million natural gas customers. 

Emerson's AMS 6500 was introduced to Xcel's Pawnee Station (Colorado) during the installation of Ovation for turbine control, and site personnel seized the opportunity to obtain a machinery health management solution that promised full and easy integration with their Ovation system. Even though a contract had been signed to purchase another turbine protection system, that contract was cancelled and the AMS 6500 was ordered.

Plant-wide Condition Monitoring

“We’re monitoring more critical assets than ever before. We’ve put documented proof of the value of predictive maintenance in the hands of our leaders. We’ve made a difference in TEP’s ability to prevent unplanned shutdowns and to more effectively plan maintenance work.”

Learn how Tucson Electric Power, who delivers power to more than 414,000 customers in Arizona, leveraged Emerson's AMS 6500 and wireless vibration transmitters to reimagine sitewide condition monitoring and:

  • Avoid $1 million in maintenance and replacement costs
  • Save more than $750,000 in less than a year
  • Bolster safety by expanding monitoring to equipment in difficult-to-access areas 

Daten und Fakten

Fact 1

39 % der Anlagen möchten ungeplante Stillstandszeit durch das Erweitern der Überwachungsfunktionen reduzieren.

fact 2

86 % der Anlagen lagern einige oder alle Wartungsmaßnahmen aus.

fact 3

46 % der Anlagen möchten ungeplante Stillstandszeiten durch das Weiterentwickeln von Strategien zur prädiktiven Wartung reduzieren.

Power Plant

Monitoring for Cooling Tower Pumps & Fans

AMS 9420 Wireless Vibration Transmitter
AMS 9420 Wireless Vibration Transmitter
AMS 9420 Wireless Vibration Transmitter
The AMS 9420 Wireless Vibration Transmitter delivers vibration information over a highly-reliable, self-organizing wireless network for use by operations and maintenance personnel. With many of the same advantages as the AMS Wireless Vibration Monitor, it is...
Advanced Prediction for high consequence plant assets like Cooling Towers – an ideal solution for trimming energy costs.

Monitoring for Gas Turbines

AMS 6500 ATG
Advance Prediction and Protection for high consequence plant assets like Gas Turbines - an ideal solution for obsolete protection-only systems.
AMS 6500 ATG
Along with maintaining productivity and product quality, safety ranks amongst the top goals for most plants. An essential tool in achieving those goals is the protection system used on your most critical production assets, and its ability to accurately detect...

Smart M&D Center

Next Generation Smart Maintenance & Diagnostics • Remote vibration analysis / root cause diagnostics • Remote process efficiency analysis • Monitoring system health verification

Monitoring for Generators

AMS 6500 ATG
Advanced Prediction and Protection for high consequence plant assets like Generators - an ideal solution for obsolete protection-only systems.
AMS 6500 ATG
Along with maintaining productivity and product quality, safety ranks amongst the top goals for most plants. An essential tool in achieving those goals is the protection system used on your most critical production assets, and its ability to accurately detect...

Monitoring for Condensate Pumps

AMS 6500 UM Universal Measurement Card
AMS 6500 UM Universal Measurement Card
AMS 6500
Advanced Prediction for high consequence plant assets like Condensate (vertical) Pumps – an ideal solution for normally hard-to-reach submerged vertical pumps.

Monitoring for Gearboxes, Fans & Pumps

AMS Asset Monitor
AMS Asset Monitor - More Monitoring Benefits for More Assets
AMS Asset Monitor
AMS Asset Monitor
AMS Asset Monitor
Manages pervasive sensing while providing prediction, protection and process monitoring capabilities and designed to mount at the asset to reduce cabling. Accommodates up to 12 CHARMS including Vibration and process input CHARMS.
AMS Asset Monitor - More Monitoring Benefits for More Assets
AMS Asset Monitor - More Monitoring Benefits for More Assets
In the latest release of the AMS Asset Monitor, user will find that additional functionality delivers new benefits and increased ease of use for monitoring balance-of-plant assets.
AMS Asset Monitor
Asset Monitor
Most plants are aware of the importance of condition monitoring for critical assets...but what about the remaining equipment? What about those balance of the plant items that still need of some level of monitoring but don't justify the extra expense of online...

Monitoring for Gearboxes, Fans & Pumps

AMS Wireless Vibration Monitor
ECAT Single Stroke Cycle Demonstration
Innovation in Wireless Vibration
Emerson Solutions for Improving Reliability
Easy Installation of the AMS Wireless Vibration Monitor
AMS Wireless Vibration Monitor
AMS Wireless Vibration Monitor
Delivers full vibration data and rich info about machinery health for operations and maintenance. Easily integrated into any control system or plant historian, while diagnostic data can be displayed by AMS Device Manger, among other software.
ECAT Single Stroke Cycle Demonstration
AMS Wireless Vibration Monitor
The health and performance of assets within a plant is a vital component of your organization's ability to produce quality products. Yet for too many plants, the ability to institute condition monitoring on a broad scale has been difficult to implement due...
Innovation in Wireless Vibration
Innovation in Wireless Vibration
The last ten years have delivered many technology innovation that impacted us personally and professionally. Learn how Emerson kicks off the next ten years be redefining wireless vibration monitoring.
Emerson Solutions for Improving Reliability
Emerson Solutions for Improving Reliability
Emerson offers the software, technology and expertise to improve reliability of production assets. Focusing on reliability can mean more availability of assets, more profitability for the plant, and increased safety for personnel.
Easy Installation of the AMS Wireless Vibration Monitor
Easy Installation of the AMS Wireless Vibration Monitor
The next step in your digital transformation journey can be quick, easy, and impactful. Unique characteristics of the AMS Wireless Vibration Monitor make installation and configuration so simple, you'll be up and running in less than a few minutes.

Control Room

Real-Time Operator - Actionable Information • Overall vibration values • Alert and danger alarms • PeakVue readings

Monitoring for Cooling Tower Pumps & Fans

AMS 6500 ATG
Advance Prediction and Protection for high consequence plant assets like Cooling Tower Pumps & Fans - an ideal solutions for obsolete protection only systems
AMS 6500 ATG
Along with maintaining productivity and product quality, safety ranks amongst the top goals for most plants. An essential tool in achieving those goals is the protection system used on your most critical production assets, and its ability to accurately detect...

Monitoring for Steam Turbines

AMS 6500 ATG
Advanced Prediction and Protection for high consequence plant assets like Steam Turbines - an ideal solution for obsolete protection-only systems.
AMS 6500 ATG
Along with maintaining productivity and product quality, safety ranks amongst the top goals for most plants. An essential tool in achieving those goals is the protection system used on your most critical production assets, and its ability to accurately detect...

Monitoring for Boiler Feed Pumps & Turbines

AMS 6500 ATG
Advance Prediction and Protection for high consequence plant assets like Boiler Feed Pump or Turbine - an ideal solution for obsolete protection-only systems
AMS 6500 ATG
Along with maintaining productivity and product quality, safety ranks amongst the top goals for most plants. An essential tool in achieving those goals is the protection system used on your most critical production assets, and its ability to accurately detect...

In Ovation eingebettete Daten für das Management des Maschinenzustands

Sind Sie Anwender des Ovation-Systems? Starten Sie im Handumdrehen mit der Zustandsüberwachung.

Das führende Portfolio der Zuverlässigkeitslösungen von Emerson lässt sich in Ihre bestehenden Betriebsabläufe und Softwareanwendungen integrieren, zu denen die integrierte Steuerungs- und Sicherheitsplattform Ovation™ und AMS Device Manager von Emerson gehören. Dies unterstützt Sie dabei, ein neues Niveau der Produktivität und Entscheidungsfindung in Ihrem Unternehmen zu erreichen. 

Hier erfahren Sie mehr ...
Klicken Sie hier, um mit dem Lesen fortzufahren. In Ovation eingebettete Daten für das Management des Maschinenzustands
In Ovation eingebettete Daten für das Management des Maschinenzustands
Prognose und Schutz Ihrer Turbinen

Prognose und Schutz für Ihre Turbinen

Während die Abschaltung zahlreicher Ausrüstungen in Ihrer Anlage die Produktion zum Stillstand bringen kann, sind wenige so komplex oder so teuer wie die der Turbine.

Für diese kritische Anlagenkomponente benötigen Ihre Mitarbeiter ein Komplettsystem – mit vorausschauender Intelligenz plus Schutzfunktionen, die sich in das Prozessleitsystem integrieren lassen – zur Optimierung der Zuverlässigkeit.

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Klicken Sie hier, um mit dem Lesen fortzufahren. Prognose und Schutz für Ihre Turbinen

Aufrechterhaltung der Zuverlässigkeit der Ausrüstung von Nebenanlagen (BOP)

Es gibt zahlreiche Ausrüstungen in Ihrer Anlage, die Einfluss auf die Kapazität haben können, z. B. Kesselspeisepumpen, Kompressoren und Motoren.

Diese BOP-Ressourcen sind für das Erreichen Ihrer Geschäftsziele unerlässlich und erfordern die gleichen bewährten Überwachungstechnologien wie Ihre Turbinen. Die Wireless- und streckenbasierten Lösungen von Emerson stellen die perfekte Balance zwischen Qualitätsüberwachung und kosteneffizienter Implementierung für diese Anwendungen dar.

Erfahren Sie mehr über den AMS Wireless Vibration Monitor

Erfahren Sie mehr über den AMS 2140 Machinery Health Analyzer

Erfahren Sie mehr über den AMS Asset Monitor

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Klicken Sie hier, um mit dem Lesen fortzufahren. Aufrechterhaltung der Zuverlässigkeit der Ausrüstung von Nebenanlagen (BOP)
Aufrechterhaltung der Zuverlässigkeit der Ausrüstung von Nebenanlagen (BOP)
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