Combustion Analysis in Steam Flood Steam Generators

Lower operating costs while reducing NOx emissions
Pumpjack lifts from a well in California-medium

Accurate & Reliable Oxygen Measurement

Steam flood steam generators have been used to aid in the recovery of heavy oil for decades. Optimizing the air to fuel ratio of steam flood steam generators is critical to controlling NOx emissions. Too much excess oxygen will result in high NOx emissions, while too much flue gas could result in flame instability and create dangerous fuel-rich conditions. Excess flue gas also results in excessive flame volumes which allow the flame envelope to impinge on the steam flood steam generator tubes causing a cessation of the combustion process. Using an instrument like the Rosemount™ 6888 In Situ Oxygen Analyzer to measure the level of oxygen within the steam flood steam generator, provides an accurate and reliable measurement that can help lower operating costs and reduce NOx emissions.

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