DeltaV™ Version 15 Feature Pack 1

DeltaV™ Version 15 Feature Pack 1

Offering even greater scalability, simplicity, and flexibility so operations can drive business needs now—and in the future.

Now, Take Advantage of the DeltaV PK Flex Controller

Building upon the ground-breaking innovation of the PK Controller, with the added advantage of flexible capacity. 

DeltaV PK FLEX Controller Product Image
Easy Engineering

Easy Engineering

Start with 50 DSTs and scale all the way up to 1500 DSTs

Simple Project Sizing

Simple Project Sizing

No need to know I/O type, just the amount

Reduced Upfront Project Costs

Reduced Upfront Project Costs

Pay for only what you need, overtime, when you need it

Increased Affordability

Increased Affordability

Change controllers more often and stay up to date with the latest CPU and memory

Ethernet-APL Device Control

Powerful Platform

Same functionality as the PK Controller

Native PROFINET Support with PK and PK Flex Controllers

Meet the requirements of time-critical applications and enhance performance.

Native PROFINET Support with PK and PK Flex Controllers
Out-of-the-Box PROFINET Capability

Out-of-the-Box PROFINET Capability

No special hardware or software needed to configure
Easy configuration with the use of GSDML files & creation of templates

Greater Connectivity

Greater Connectivity & Capacity

Connect with up to 250 devices (drives, transmitters, valves, and remote I/O)

Increased Compliance

Increased Compliance

Compliant with version 2.3 and CC-A functionality

Ethernet-APL Compliant

Ready for Emerging Technologies

PK Controller can be used with Ethernet-APL devices, APL switches & PROFINET

DeltaV Live Demo Screen

DeltaV Live Enhancements

DeltaV Live provides the flexibility to easily and securely integrate process information from many different sources into a single HMI environment, providing an intuitive and cohesive view into your operations. New Web Displays in v15.FP1 allow users to securely view web content as operator graphics, making it even easier to expand visibility and awareness within the DeltaV Live HMI. 

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NAMUR Alarm Limits

The NAMUR NE 43 Recommendation was revised in 2021. To support these changes, we’ve updated the DeltaV DCS to help ensure users are able to customize alarm functionality and accommodate differences in the wide range of field devices users may have in operation.

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DeltaV DCS Screen
DeltaV Advanced Control

DeltaV Neural, Predict and Predict Pro

DeltaV advanced control applications are now available via 1-, 3-, or 5-year subscription terms. These new subscription offerings allow for a lower cost of entry and faster return on investment (ROI).

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Alarm Help and Alarm Mosaic

DeltaV Alarm Help and Alarm Mosaic are now available via 1-, 3-, or 5-year subscription terms. These new subscription offerings allow flexible term lengths and reduce upfront software investment costs, empowering operations the ability to buy only what they need—when they need it.

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Alarm Help and Alarm Mosaic
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