
Liquid Analysis Product Tutorials

Step-by-step pressure tutorials describing how to install, configure and setup Rosemount liquid transmitters

Rosemount 1056 Intelligent Four-Wire

How to Calibr​ate a p​H Sensor

The efficiency of pH electrodes degrade over time due to coating/aging, and this degradation is accelerated in harsh or dirty applications. It's important to regularly re-calibrate your sensors to maintain accurate readings. This tutorial will show you how to calibrate your pH sensor for use with the Rosemount 1056 Transmitter.

Time to Complete: Approximately 10-15 minutes

What You’ll Need: 

Tutorial Summary:

​​​​​​​To start calibration, press the MENU button on the Home screen.

  1. Press ENTER to select "Calibrate".
  2. Press ENTER to select "Sensor 1".
  3. Press ENTER to select "pH".
  4. Press ENTER to select "Buffer Cal".
  5. Press ENTER to select "Auto".
  6. Press ENTER to select "Start Auto Cal".
  7. Place sensor in buffer 1 and press ENTER.
  8. Select the appropriate pH value and press ENTER.
  9. When buffer 1 calibration is complete, place sensor in buffer 2 and press ENTER.
  10. Select the appropriate pH value and press ENTER.
  11. When calibration is complete, verify the calibration data is accurate.
  12. Press MENU to return to the Main Menu.
  13. Press EXIT to return to the display.

How to Put a Sensor on Hold

This tutorial will show you how to set your sensor to hold on the Rosemount 1056 Transmitter.

Time to Complete: Approximately 5 minutes

What You’ll Need: 

Tutorial Summary:

​​​​​​​To start calibration, press the MENU button on the Home screen.

  1. Press the DOWN button.
  2. Select "Hold".
  3. Select "S1 Hold".
  4. Select "Yes" to hold sensor 1.
  5. Press EXIT to leave the Main Menu.
  6. Confirm that S1 is listed as hold in the banner at the bottom of the screen.
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