Controllers Instruments and Software for Valve Actuators

Controllers, Instruments and Software for Valve Actuators

Network controls, monitoring, and diagnostic software, line break detection systems, master stations, switching, relays, and monitoring systems for valve actuators.

Diagnose, Configure, Monitor and Manage Valve Actuators Remotely

Emerson DCMlink collects data from valve actuators, providing wireless connectivity to enterprise or plant level systems, interpreting data and providing actionable insights to operators. It is a command and control software for valve actuators that improves productivity allowing insights into asset status and performance in real time. 

Emerson Controlinc controls up to 250 valve actuators with built-in redundancy for uninterrupted operation. Streamlines common valve actuator control functions that are pre-configured and ready to monitor and control valves from the LCD touch panel or host computer.  It also supports Modbus network ports for networking with DCS SCADA or PLCs for total plant control.

Explore the Emerson recently acquired lineup of actuation controls recently acquired lineup of actuation controls.

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