Gas Detection in Minerals & Mining

Identify toxic gases in mines and other mineral processing areas
Gas Detection in Minerals & Mining

Accurate & Reliable Gas Detection to Keep Workers Safe

Mining and mineral processing often produces different hazardous gases including methane gas, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide gas and hydrogen cyanide gas. Methane gas, for example, is lighter than air and tends to rise to the ceiling of a mine or tunnel, where it is often goes undetected. Hydrogen sulfide, on the other hand, is heavier than air, and generally accumulates at the bottom of poorly ventilated spaces. While it has a strong odor, it quickly deadens the sense of smell, leaving potential victims unaware of its presence. In high concentrations, these toxic gases can be deadly. To protect personnel from dangerous exposure, continuous gas monitoring should be used to detect the accumulation of these toxic gases. Rosemount™ gas detection products can be placed in a variety of places within a mine to provide accurate and reliable toxic gas detection where needed.

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