Level Measurement for Hull Storage in Seed Oil Production

Accurately measure levels of seed material build-up in silos to facilitate timely maintenance and cleaning cycles.
Level Measurement for Hull Storage in Seed Oil Production

Level Measurement Technologies Prevent Product Damage and Loss

By-products from oil processing (meals, hulls, lecithin, hominy/dried maize, and others) are stored in silos before being shipped for use in the production of fertilizers, animal feeds, cosmetics, and other products. A major challenge, apart from continuous measurement of the material inside the silo, is early identification of material build-up. This can damage the quality of the product since the temperature inside the build-up rises over time, the by-products inside get burnt and stick to each other, forming hard bulks that cannot be used. To eliminate the loss, operators need to surmount this challenge by being able to detect the build-up as it begins to form. By seeing the allocation of material inside the silos in real time, users can facilitate the scheduling of any required maintenance and cleaning before damage is caused to the product or unexpected interruptions of the production process occur.

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