As a leading international provider of products and services for reservoir management and production optimization, we emphasis quality, innovation and professionalism. We continually strive to meet our customer’s demands and to maintain high customer satisfaction. 

Certified in accordance with the latest ISO 9001:2015 standard, our Quality Management System has been certified against a best practice standard and found compliant by a third party certification body. This new standard puts major emphasis on continual improvement and customer satisfaction.

Our scope of certification is the development, manufacturing, sales and installation of metering systems for the petroleum and other industries.

Our Quality Management System is certified by DNV GL with certification no. 96-OSL-AQ-6430.


As a leading international provider of products and services for reservoir management and production optimization, we emphasis quality, innovation and professionalism. We continually strive to meet our customer’s demands and to maintain high customer satisfaction. 

Achilles Qualifications
Achilles is one of the world’s leading global supply chain risk management companies who collect, validate and maintain essential supplier data.

The Roxar Software Solutions registration number is 22016.
The Roxar Flow Measurement registration number is 12347.

Further information and valid certificates can be found here.

Achilles FPAL Qualification
Achilles FPAL is a supplier management community supporting the European oil & gas industry through communicating new business opportunities to the supply chain. 

Roxar registration number is 10042051.

Further information and valid certificate can be found here.

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