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Roxar Retrievable Linear Polarization Resistance Probes

Product Description

Roxar Retrievable Linear Polarization Resistance (LPR) probes are installed in high pressure 2#8221; hydraulic or mechanical access fittings. LPR technology is based on electrochemistry and provides immediate corrosion rate information. Many designs are available and - when used with Roxar CorrLog instruments and the Roxar Fieldwatch software - contributes to efficient corrosion control of water systems.

Pressure Rating
Standard: 6,000 psi (420 bar) Optional: 10,000 psi (690 bar)
Max Temperature
Probe Element Material
Carbon Steel St 52-3N as standard
Probe Body Material
Standard material is Stainless Steel and Duplex
6 pin Amphenol (male)


  • Immediate information on corrosion rates when used in (conductive) water systems
  • Easy installation and replacement using Roxar Retractor Tool
  • Compatible with access fitting systems provided by most vendors; can be installed in most existing 2” probe locations.
  • LPR Probe measurements are easy to understand and relate to

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