
Computadores de vazão da Emerson

Projetado para aprimorar suas operações de medição, melhorando o desempenho da metrologia, reduzindo a incerteza de medição e garantindo o cumprimento dos contratos de medição

Computadores de vazão séries FB1000 e FB2000

Otimize suas operações de medição de óleo e gás

Os computadores de vazão FB1000 e FB2000 da Emerson foram projetados para melhorar suas operações de medição, melhorando o desempenho da metrologia, reduzindo a incerteza de medição e garantindo o cumprimento dos contratos de medição. Os engenheiros de campo notarão a grande variedade de benefícios que facilitam seus trabalhos, enquanto a administração apreciará a eficiência operacional aprimorada e a tranquilidade obtida através de melhores medidas de segurança.

Nossos produtos e sistemas permitem que você:

  • Alcance medições e contabilidade precisas
  • Reduza os custos totais para sistemas de medição
  • Mantenha seu pessoal seguro e reduza incidentes
  • Mantenha a segurança e a integridade dos dados fiscais
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Principais benefícios


Achieve Precise Measurement and Accounting. Emerson’s flow computer family has a range of capabilities that make measurement systems more accurate and robust, helping reduce some of the stress of being a measurement professional. The flow computers deliver a sound measurement platform, helping to enhance your customer relations, and eliminate major discrepancies.


Keep Your Personnel Safe and Reduce Incidents. Keeping personnel and property safe are critical objectives, but when your team is operating over a large territory driving from hazardous area to hazardous area it isn’t easy. With this in mind, the FB1000-Series and the FB2000-Series have been designed with features that keep your team off the road, out of hazardous areas, and reduce the number of high risk operations required.


Maintain Security and Integrity of Fiscal Data. Our new flow computers are designed with IT compliance in mind from the ground up, making it easy to satisfy your organization’s policies to establish a secure infrastructure.


Reduce Total Costs for Measurement Systems. In the modern era, we all face the same challenge: do more with fewer resources. The FB1000- Series and FB2000-Series will help you achieve this. By reducing the time to configure a device, time to perform tasks in the field, and reducing your dependence on expert resources you will truly be able to achieve more with less.

Produtos e aplicações

Emerson unveils their next generation flow computer platform to enhance safety at the wellpad

The new flow computer family offers new technology and significant enhancements to the oil & gas industry

Emerson Acquires Energy Solutions International

Emerson acquired Energy Solutions International Holdings to increase automation and operations solutions for the oil and gas transportation...
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