Emerson’s Micro Motion® Coriolis technology used by VT Group provides the world’s first certified bunker fuel delivery service

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VT Group has successfully installed Emerson’s Micro Motion® Certified Marine Bunker Measurement Solution on the bunker fuel barge MTS Vlaardingen.

Grace Capwell
Emerson Automation Solutions
+1 (512) 834-7214
[email protected]

MTS Vlaardingen uses the Micro Motion Certified Marine Bunker Measurement Solution for custody transfer

BOULDER, COLO (June 16, 2011) - The maritime company VT Group (Verenigde Tankrederij) has successfully installed Emerson’s Micro Motion® Certified Marine Bunker Measurement Solution on the bunker fuel barge MTS Vlaardingen. The solution provides the crew and the company’s head office with real-time, accurate tracking of the heavy fuel oil (HFO) bunker deliveries, removing the need for manual soundings or calculations and enabling them to prove the quality and consistency of deliveries to VT’s customers. An accurate HFO bunker transfer minimizes discrepancies and provides better transparency for HFO bunker transactions.

The implementation of the Certified Bunker Measurement Solution in December 2010 on MTS Vlaardingen is a natural extension of VT’s in-house developed software system, which is based on tank radar measurement, corrected for trim and list. The VT radar system eliminates manual processes and already gives industry-leading, high accuracy results. Emerson’s Micro Motion Coriolis mass flowmeter technology brings an extra level of certified accuracy, ensuring that the deliveries made and paid for by the end user are proven.

"Certified Coriolis flowmeters support the existing VT business model of accurate quantity measurements,” said Yuri Ouweneel of VT Group. “These flowmeters allow us to differentiate ourselves as a top-tier bunker service company, further improving our reputation while illustrating this value clearly to our customers.”

The Certified Marine Bunker Measurement Solution includes a Micro Motion ELITE® Coriolis meter, Series 3000 transmitter with Marine Bunker Transfer Package, and bunker delivery ticket printer. The system is capable of handling the density and viscosity inconsistencies inherent in HFO and was certified by Nederlands Meetinstituut (NMi), the notified body for testing to the guidelines of the European Instruments Directive (MID) and Issuing Authority for OIML (International Organization for Legal Metrology).  The solution meets the OIML standard R117-1 and the MID standard 2004/22/EC Annex MI-005.

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