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Rosemount-P-Shutdown Turnaround and Outage Service

Serviço de desligamento, reversão e indisponibilidade para produtos Rosemount

Product Description

Saiba como a transformação digital das paradas programadas pode contribuir com os objetivos comerciais gerais para que você possa alcançar e permanecer no quartil superior.

Assista ao vídeo: Transformação digital das paradas programadas da planta (STO) (vídeo em inglês)

Detalhes do serviço

Shutdowns, Turnarounds, and Outages are high-stress, highly variable, multimillion-dollar events. What if they could also be a key to your plant reaching top-quartile performance?

Top-Quartile performers has discovered the planning and execution of shutdowns, turnarounds and outages can be made not only more manageable, but contribute to overall business objectives around safety, reliability, savings and process improvements too.

Emerson's offerings combine wireless sensing, predictive diagnostics, and data analytics technology with Emerson's Operational Certainty Consulting and Lifecycle Services expertise to provide scope and schedule assurance, minimize emergent & discovery work, reducing labor and materials costs by up to 10 percent and shortening schedules by up to 6 percent.

Let Emerson's Shutdown, Turnaround, and Outage services and solutions, enabled by Emerson's Plantweb digital ecosystem, help you achieve scope & schedule assurance using our digital solutions alongside our proven processes to transform the way you prioritize your work scope, eliminate scope creep, mitigate emergent and discovery work, reduce risk, and ensure safety during your next turnaround.

Focused Walk Down Service

Mitigate unnecessary risk, while increasing scope and schedule assurance through Emerson's Walkdown app. It provides electronic records of field equipment and health rating immediately to prioritize scope in real time.

Mobile Service Centers

Mobile Service Centers serve as an inventory warehouse stocked with parts to complete planned and unplanned work. Ensure the right parts are stocked or expedite them through QuickShip to meet unplanned needs.

Start-Up and Commissioning

Get your process on-line on time by experts.

Calibration and Validation

Our personnel can calibrate and validate all measurement devices to safeguard your products' data accuracy.
